Art Submissions
We are always looking for talent!
Thank you for your interest in submitting an application to the Lotus Art Gallery. The Lotus Art Gallery is an excellent avenue to showcase and sell your original art!
We are currently accepting art, music and poetry submissions for 2018 & 2019. We are open to any genre or style of artwork, as long as it meet exhibit/performance quality criteria.
Quality Criteria to keep in mind for your art submission:
Creative Merit: Only original art is accepted created by you or a collaboration peice with another local artist. We do not accept art copied directly from an image /photo/published song/published poem (due to copy right issues and creative merit), however if you have chosen to use several photos/songs/poems as your reference point for your art (visual, poetic or music), you may submit the art work with a relevant discription of the piece.
Marketable Merit : Only Ready to be Sold Art will be accepted. This can be either visual art/ poem/ performance/ art project/ solo show/ music/ music performance/ dance performance/ animated projection/ etc. We like to put our best foot forward so make sure to consider what your client would expect from you. Ask your self, if you liked this could you take it home and not have to invest in further purchases to display or enjoy it? (For example for visual arts : Is it framed or wired properly, is the sculpture finished with a proper base? Does your CD have a cover ? etc. )
Solos or Featured artist Submissions: You can use the online submission form for these too. Art projects or proposals are encouraged! This means if you want to be featured as the month's feature artist, please submit an explanation of your art project. The project must be cohesive and appealing to the creative & marketable merit. When submitting, please describe what you are expressing through the project, how you would like it displayed, why you are expressing it, who do you think will be interested in this work. It is recommended that you make an appointment with the gallery curator and ask for our mentorship program before you submit a big project.
The art must be yours and Please do not submit more that 6 pieces in your application.
Audio or Poetic Submissions : Any music / projection / poetic submissions are encouraged! Please note that it is expected that you perform your art at some point in the year, so you cannot just submit a CD or a Book to be sold at the gallery without properly performing something from it. Gallery offers lots of opportunity to do live performances, such as concerts, reception parties, painting parties. some of them are paid and others are on a voluntary basis to complete your submission. You can refer to our music lessons page to get more info about our music programming. Projection submission must be submitted with the understanding that we will be doing an open house party for the projection to be exhibited, so please indicate how you can help with the open house party for your projection.
All submissions must accompany proper artist agreement on time and pictures for the media.
If you have trouble pricing your art, make a mentorship appointment with the curator. she has an excel sheet with official price guide on sizes and media. This information is also available to commercial artists through CARFAC.
Please note, we will only be accepting applications on our on-line system. If you have difficulty using this online system or uploading files as requested, please book a mentorship hour with the gallery curator.
Timing is everything: Important dates to keep in mind for your art submission:
Submit before the 10th of the current month, if you just may be selected in time for the upcoming exhibition.
Please note when you are submitting 3-6 pieces for an exhibition, they are intended to be exhibited in the same exhibition so if you want to just show your portfolio of art work and consult with us on what to exhibit, make an appointment with the curator for mentorship. Always make a new submission for each exhibit separately. No substitution is accepted, so make sure the piece will be available to be submitted within the next 3 months.
The on-line application is always available on this web site and you can submit your application at any time. In general, artists are required to submit between 1 and 5 pieces of art with their application for consideration. Please keep in mind not all the work will be exhibited, but will be kept during the month incase your sold items need to be replaced during the duration of the exhibit. This does not not mean we do not like your art, it simply due to limited space. If you have been selected, you have met our exhibition criteria and for that we congratulate you!
Please Drop off your art with proper instructions on it before the due date after you have received an acceptance email. The art must be properly packed or covered for safe storage. Proper instructions on each art piece means: Indicate Your name, The date (Month Your art will be exhibited), The Title, The Price and The Media of your piece.
Please Pick up your art within 10 days after the last day of the exhibition to avoid an storage charges. (due to limited space, we have to charge you $1.00 for ever day that we store your art work past the 10 business days of the end date of the exhibition. Note we pay insurance for the limited storage, though overdue pick up damages are not our responsibility as indicated in your artist agreement.)
Online Art Submission form Guide:
You can submit your application online in 3 easy steps:
Before you get started, make sure you have high quality pictures of your art.Ensure they are high resolution (at least 600x600 pixels minimum) and there is nothing else in the picture other than the art piece you want to exhibit.
Now lets begin! Please take the time to read the steps before you start clicking.
It is 3 easy steps, Download, fill and then submit!!
STEP1: Download Lotus Art Gallery Application Form by clicking here or the link right below.
(Once you click on the form, a drop box file will open, on the top right corner it says download. click on it to download. To enter your name in the fields, click on the words "PLEASE WRITE DOWN YOUR COMPLETE NAME HERE" etc. You can then over type your personal information. )
Please note you need Microsoft Office Software installed on your system to fill the form properly.
We will consider your submission as our copy, you can choose to make a copy of this agreement for your self and choose to print one out to hand in with your art work.
Once you have the form on your computer, you can fill it out and add your pictures. Save it on your desktop for ease of finding, because you will need to upload it eventually to our drop box.
So, lets continue!
STEP2: Fill Lotus Art Gallery Application Form properly and change the file name to “Artist Name, Month of Exhibition you are applying for” e.g.: “Mariam Qureshi, Dec2016”
*Note: PLEASE NOTE if you encounter a problem for attaching your pictures to the file due to your Word version, please UPLOAD THE PICTURES separately along with your submission form in STEP 3. Please Change the name of your pictures to "Artist Name, Art Title, Dateyour work is being submitted for" e.g: "Mariam Qureshi, The Climb,Dec2016".
Now Lets Upload or submit your work to the gallery!
STEP3: Click here or the link right below to submit or upload your form from your desk top or saved files. Notes: When you click on the link, a lotus gallery is requesting file page will open up. It will ask you to choose from your computer or drop box. Choose from computer and browse your files to select the form you have saved on your desktop or in your files. Once you have selected it it will be uploading. It will tell you when the upload is completed. You don't need to send an e-mail to us as we get the notifications right a way! However if you choose to, you can send a brief email to
“To admire is to indulge, to create art is to experience that. ”
Please Note, You can download our detailed walk-through guideline to submit your application by clicking here too.
Thanks we will be in touch very shortly! Good Luck! Lets make dreams happen!
For food Submissions :